St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Pudsey

  1. Our Learning
  2. Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies- Society of St Vincent de Paul


'Mini Vinnies' are children in Year 4 and above who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their School, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible 'Vincentians for life'.

Those wishing to become a Mini Vinnie are invited to apply in school and state how they would carry out good deeds in the community.

Mini Vinnies is about doing good works in the community. The Vinnies model of ‘See, Think, Do’ is a great way to get young people thinking and talking about their spirituality; by connecting their beliefs and values with service activities and issues in their community, they can help to make their faith real, meaningful and relevant.


‘Our Mini Vinnies’ group will meet regularly during lunchtime and are always busy planning on how they can reach out to the people in need in our community. Over the past few years our dedicated Mini Vinnies have organised different fundraising events to raise money for The Good Shepherd Appeal during Lent and have collected Food for the Leeds Food Bank. We also help the staff in improving things in our school and have helped in planning and setting up the school Prayer Garden.

You can learn more about what we do and how Mini Vinnies began by looking at the website…

Minnie Vinnies

Mini Vinnie Liturgy

We led a liturgy for the school, reflecting on our Mini Vinnie motto of 'turning concern into action'. After visiting London and meeting other Mini Vinnies we were inspired to hear how other Mini Vinnie groups help their communities. We told our school about this and encouraged them to 'SEE, THINK, DO' with helping hands and we gave them all helping hand cut outs to reflect more in class and remind them to help others.

Good Shepherd Mass

Four representatives from the Mini Vinnies were chosen to deliver the money raised for the Good Shepherd Appeal to Bishop Marcus in a special mass at Leeds Cathedral.

Mini Vinnie meeting 29.4.19

The Mini Vinnies met for their regular meeting and counted some of the money raised by the school for the Good Shepherd Fund.

Games Day

The Mini-Vinnies organised and ran a games day for the rest of the school. All the children in the school brought money to plat the games and all the proceeds are going to the Good Shepherd Appeal. We had a great day, having fun, playing games and winning prizes, all to help raise money for people who not as lucky as us.

Thank you deliveries

The Mini Vinnie leaders went round the classes delivering a thank you card. Following our fundraising for Cafod and the items be sponsored the purchase of, we recieved a card for each item. To include all the classes, the Mini Vinnies chose a certain item card for them to be given in thanks. The Mini Vinnies also delivered a poster to promote fundraising for the Good Shepherd Appeal with spare change jars.

Meeting Minutes 18.3.19

The Mini Vinnies gathered together for their regular meeting.

Meeting Minutes 25.2.19

The Mini Vinnie gathered for their regular meeting.

Meeting Minutes 21.1.19

Mini Vinnies gathered for their regular meeting with a follow up meeting in celebrating and allocating the Cafod money raised at the Christingle Cafe.

Advent Cafod Cafe

The Mini Vinnies made and donated buns and biscuits to sell at our Cafod Cafe on Friday 21st December.

Meeting Minutes 10.12.18

All the Mini Vinnies gathered together for their regular meeting.

Commissioning Ceremony

On 14th September 2018, all the Mini Vinnies attended and participated in a special commissioning ceremony and mass at Leeds Cathedral. Bishop Marcus led the mass and re-commissioned our existing Mini Vinnies and commissioned our youngest Mini Vinnies to begin their role.